Inspire. Support. Create.

Ruth Waters

ACME Studio Award
Goldsmiths University of London
Master of Fine Art 

2017’s ACME Studio Award was given to Ruth Waters on the completion of her MFA at Goldsmiths University.

Her practice draws on her interest in exploring how our levels of anxiety are effected by the ever present pressures of a late capiatalism.

During her time at ACME’s studios in Stratford, Ruth developed a new piece of work entitled REDSKY66 which tells a story of a young man who has extreme Apeirophobia - fear of eternity - and what happens when he sends a viral tweet. The bulk of the film consists of a skype interview with the film’s increasingly distraught protagonist, known to us only as REDSKY66. Through the use of swirling vortices and vanishing points, we follow him as he struggles with his obsession and fear of the eternity he will endure in the afterlife.

“Receiving the Goldsmiths Studio Award made a significant impact on my art career. During the year I worked with Peer Gallery, producing a new video work which was presented at the gallery. The work went on the be presented at exhibitions in Moscow, South Korea and across the UK. The support I received both financially and in the form of mentorship was invaluable and allowed me to continue producing work at a key time when artists often struggle to transition out of education.”